Saturday, September 4, 2010

Comedians of the class.

See the news part where im lacking pictures,i really mean it so i just draw XD.The class always have someone funny and my class have umm 1,2,3 errrrr kind'of forgotten.O.o.Ok but the recently comedian in the class is

KHAIRUL!or i would like to call kerul.his jokes are mean,funny and sometimes idioticly funny.he got this laughter that everyone laughs when they hear it.Maybe he loves to tell jokes but his marks is all good,theres still one or two subjects that he need to focus on though.


Friday, September 3, 2010


Ok!!The holiday finally came!So were having a 2 weeks holiday and Its Aidilitri in I dont know.XD.U think we can eatstraveganza rite?Haha'!WRONG!The next week after holiday is

UPSR!!NO!After that PSRA!!(who is scholing in kafa too)>:(Gotta do revision like hell.O man.

 But might as well enjoy the fun while it last:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Our class is clean and cheerful.But why cant we win the weekly's?!Ok for 6A who read this,comment WE WANT TROPHEH!Maybe its because there are other class that's cleaner than our class.MAN!Were gotta work hard to get the freakin trophy!!

No thats not how the tropy look like.


I dont know if other classes have gotten all the subject results for 'ujian percubaan 3'.But I know my class have only gotten 4.(I got 4a rite now).The suspense goes on with only Science remains.The subject my class always have trouble with.I dont know when will we get it and what marks will we get.

I hope this time we ALL get A's


SO whats the news?Its im not going to post big title posts like person of the day or of the month.Im lacking pictures.But dont worry ill be posting again after UPSR.Yes I will post small title stuff like mini clans and watsoever.
